SSAW түтүктөрү
. This product is precision engineered for unparalleled strength, durability and versatility. We are proud to present to you our range of spiral welded carbon steel pipes, which are carefully crafted by rolling low-carbon carbon structural steel into tube blanks at a certain spiral angle, and then welding the pipe seams.
Welcome to Cangzhou Spiral Steel Pipes Group Co., Ltd. a leading manufacturer of Spiral Welded Pipes. We specialize in providing top notch gas pipes that play a role, in transporting gas from mining sites or processing plants to urban gas distribution centers or industrial enterprises. Биздин кесилген чет
Газ линиялар үчүн EN10219
The SAWH steel pipes produced by Cangzhou Spiral Steel Pipes Group Co., Ltd. are high-quality steel pipes produced using advanced technology and strict quality inspection. Ар кандай тармактар талаптарын канааттандыруу үчүн, бул түтүктөр жогорку күчкө, узактыгын жана коррозияга каршылык көрсөтөт.
Спираль ширетилген көмүртек болоттон жасалган түтүгү суу түтүгү үчүн
Спираль ширетилген көмүртек температурасынын техникалык мүнөздөмөлөрүн түшүнүү
- Our spiral welded tubes are manufactured with care. Starting with steel strips or rolling plates, we bend and deform these materials into circles. We then weld them together to form a strong pipe. By using different welding methods such as arc welding, we guarantee the best strength and durability of our products. Standard Болоттук класстар (%) Тенилдүү мүлк (%) Тескерисинче